Suspect A Stroke? Think Fast!
Heart and blood vessel disease, known medically as cardiovascular disease, remains Australia’s number one killer. It affects nearly 2.5 million Australians. Together, heart attack and stroke account for around a third of all deaths in Australia.
This year Australians will suffer more than 60,000 new and recurrent strokes – that’s one stroke every 10 minutes. Statistics indicate that one in five people having a first-ever stroke will die within a month and one in three die within a year. Yet, early action will save many of these lives.
A stroke also called a cerebrovascular accident, is the death of brain tissue resulting from lack of blood flow and insufficient oxygen to the brain. Another type of stroke (a cerebral haemorrhage) is caused by bleeding into brain tissue.
The signs of stroke could be anyone or a combination of the following: weakness or numbness, or paralysis – in the face, arm or leg; difficulty speaking or understanding; dizziness; unexpected loss of vision; immediate and severe headache; difficulty swallowing. These signs may last only a few minutes or may last for several hours (called a transient ischaemic attack – TIA). They are usually a warning of an impending stroke and must never be ignored.
Stroke is a medical urgency. If you feel the signs of a stroke or see them in someone else, seek urgent medical attention. Immediate action can prevent further harm to the brain and help someone make a better recovery.
Think FAST is the message which has come from the recent National Stroke Week. According to the Stroke Foundation, the FAST test is an easy way to recognise and remember the signs of a stroke and to be able to act quickly to get help.
Using the FAST test involves asking yourself three simple questions about the person you suspect might be in danger – and then acting quickly:
FACE – check their face, has the mouth drooped?
ARMS – can they lift both arms?
SPEECH – is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
TIME – the time is critical. If you see any of the above signs, call 000 immediately.
The risk of stroke is determined by several factors: as we get older the risk is greater; men suffer stroke more often than women, and family history of stroke puts us more at risk. There’s not much we can do about these issues. However, there are some simple lifestyle changes we can make which will reduce the risk of stroke and reduce the risk of heart disease, as well.