The fact that a major proportion of the population is suffering from stress is quite acknowledged.
The Australian Psychological Society supported this fact with evidence when they conducted a survey in 2013, testing the mental wellbeing of the Australian inhabitants. The results showed that a greater number of people were mentally stressed in that year than in 2011 or 2012.
According to the survey, stress was affecting the normal lives of 3 out of every 4th person, while it was majorly changing and impacting the health and lives of 17 per cent of Australians.
The mental well-being of about 65 per cent of individuals was being affected, while stress was showing adverse effects on mental health on 20 per cent of them.
The thought of increasing responsibilities and the fear of not making up for them are what drive people to stress out. However, the severity of stress has not been given a common standard; every person experiences it differently.
Stress does not always have negative impacts; some people take it as an opportunity and try to work harder in certain conditions.
On the other hand, stress is an important issue in medical terms. It can lead to mental health problems, such as anxiety and distress. It can also be a leading cause of heart problems.
The best way to cope with this problem is to prevent it. You can avoid and minimise this problematic state of mind through the following preventive measures:
One of the important tasks for avoiding stress is to know your trigger signs. If some situations or some things distress you, avoid them completely.
If you feel like you need to get some professional advice, consult your community pharmacist. Pharmacists have a lot of knowledge of dealing with such mental health problems as they have taken necessary courses and thus they can help people to deal with mental health issues.