With increasing age, the lifestyle of every person changes. When younger the number of prescriptions per year is generally low but, with increasing age, many health-related issues arise. As a result number of prescriptions per year also rise. Sometimes it can be a challenge to make sure your parents or the elderly you look after are getting the best care. Older parents may need to take a lot of medicines every day for a chronic condition or need help in addressing their disease states such as diabetes, blood pressure etc.
Your local community pharmacist is qualified to help with elderly patients seeking help for a range of health-related problems.
Your pharmacist is a medical expert and can identify what management options are best for you. They can advise on which medicines may manage your symptoms and develop a plan for taking those medicines, including creating a Dose Administration Aid.
If your parents are living with diabetes, your pharmacist can also consult on how to effectively manage their medicines while providing advice on their blood sugar monitoring.
Read more about the range of services and advice available at your local community pharmacy and find out what health services we can offer you and your family!