Blood pressure is defined as the pressure generated in the wall of arteries when blood is pumped throughout the body by the heart.

What are the possible symptoms?

Common methods of treatment:

High blood pressure can also be a secondary symptom of another disease, for example, Cushing’s disease or any disease related to the kidney. In such cases, you should get yourself thoroughly examined by your doctor. However, there are no sudden factors that cause high blood pressure.
Persons who are overweight are recommended to maintain their weight in a normal range. Another precaution includes decreasing the level of salt in your diet and eliminating stress from your daily routine. Exercising regularly is also prescribed.
If case one is engaged in an exhausting job, they might be suggested by their doctor to take a break and relax for some time.
These precautions have major effects and lower down the blood pressure levels significantly.
Doctors usually prescribe medicines and drugs just in case the methods mentioned above do not lower down the blood pressure levels. But these drugs also have several severe side-effects. Your doctor will guide you about such adverse reactions. He will also keep a regular check on your blood levels and keep an eye on any such unwanted effects.

Natural methods of treatment:

Dietary Provisions:

When should you see a physician?